Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #61

Level V Taijiquan 唯有五陰並五陽 pt 3 During Tui Shou 推手 we need to be relaxed and grounded, then we can feel our opponent's energy and respond in the right way.  If they push us, we take or receive it and then we divert…

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #60

Level V Taijiquan 唯有五陰並五陽 pt2 From one Yin and nine Yang, to 5 Yin and 5 Yang. Can we reach this level?  I will not say that no one can do this, but it is very rare.  To be able to use gentle energy against someone who is…

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #59

Level V Taijiquan 四陰六陽類好手 pt1 “All Yin, and no Yang is a Soft Hand. All Yang and no Yin is a Hard Hand.  1 Yin and 9 Yang is like a stick. 2 Yin and 8 Yang is an Ordinary Hand. 3 Yin and 7 Yang is still too hard. 4 Yin and…

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #58

Level IV Taijiquan 四陰六陽類好手 pt4 When we are at Level IV, we also need to think about the application of the movements. Therefore we need to practise our forms following the correct principles, to feel good and make us healthy,…

Msater Tse’s Taiji Fist #57

Level IV Taijiquan 四陰六陽類好手 pt3 If we are at Level IV we are doing very well. The forms we practice is flow, though we still find some movements slightly uncomfortable and some difficult movements do not flow as we would like.…

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #56

Level IV Taijiquan 四陰六陽類好手 pt2 The second principle of Taijiquan is about keeping a good posture, however we need to remember that in our forms not every posture has the head upright and the body in a vertical line.  For example…

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #55

Level IV Taijiquan 四陰六陽類好手 pt1 From Level “10% Yin, 90% Yang like a stick —陰九陽根頭棍”, to Level II “20% Yin, 80% Yang is low level 二陰八陽是散手” and then to Level III “30% Yin, 70%Yang is still hard…

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #54

Level III Taijiquan 太極拳 pt2 The higher the level of Taijiquan 太極拳 we want to reach the longer it takes. It is always easy in the beginning. When we do not know anything, to do something which looks something like what we see is…

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #53

Level III Taijiquan 太極拳 pt1 Without reaching Level I we cannot reach Level II, from 10% Yin and 90% Yang  we improve and become 20% Yin and 80% Yang.  This is a natural process, in the beginning we are stiff, tense and make mistakes.…

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #52

 Level II of Tajiquan pt 2 A good teacher will guide, show and answer all your questions. It is a nice feeling when you have the correct answers and the right direction, then every step we make we improve ourselves. A good teacher is like…