Qínná 擒拿, Die 跌, Dǎ 打, Zhì 擲 – Part 1
Within the Tàijíquán 太極拳 fighting techniques we have the four kinds of skills. The first is Qínná 擒拿. Qín 擒 means grabbing, Ná 拿 means take away (not a takeaway in the UK as this is a place to buy food to take home), or controlling. The second is Die 跌, which means falling. The third is Dǎ 打, which means hitting and the fourth is Zhì 擲, which means throwing. When we practise our Tàijíquán, all the movements have grabbing, falling, striking and throwing. At first the movements are performed slowly and relaxed, but with more practise they will get a little faster. This is because our Qì 氣 becomes stronger and this pushes us to move faster and even perform more jumping and kicking. Beginners must practise the form slowly, even if they are doing the Èrlù 二路 – Second Form or Pào Chuí 砲捶 – Cannon Fist, no matter if it is Lǎojià 老架 – Old Frame or Xīnjià 新架 – New Frame (these are basically the same, Lǎojià is older and has less circles and fewer small circles, Xīnjià has more circles and more small circles, but they have the same result).
To develop the application of the form, we must practise Tuī Shǒu 推手 – Pushing Hands, but of course we also need to know the application of each movement, like Jīngāng Dǎo Duì 金剛搗碓 – Jīngāng Pounds the Mortar, Lǎn Zā Yī 懶紥衣 – Lazily Tie the Cloth, etc. First you practise all these skills with a partner, then you use them in Tuī Shǒu and then finally, in fighting.
Why is Jīngāng Pounds the Mortar repeated so many times in the forms? Does it have some special significance?
Chen Wang Ting created Taijiquan had 8 Forms, so I believe each form finished at Jingang Pounds the Mortar. The nowadays Laojia and Xinjia Yilu is all those forms combined together. So it becomes so many sections of the form with the ending with Jingang Pounds The Mortar.
Grandmaster Tse