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Grandmaster Tse’s Tàijí Fist 252

The Theories of Chén Cháng Xìng 陳長興 – Part 14 When practising Tàijíquán 太極拳 we need to do our forms regularly. How long we train depends on how many forms we know. If you know two forms, then you can practise them both in 10 to 15 minutes, and at the end you can do […]

Grandmaster Tse’s Tàijí Fist 251

The Theories of Chén Cháng Xìng 陳長興 – Part 13 方是知事無難易,功惟自進,不可躐等,不可急就,按步就序,循次漸進,能有功,夫而後百骸筋節,自相貫通,上下表裡,不難聯絡,庶乎散者統之,分者合之,四肢百骸總歸於一氣矣。 Fāng shì zhīshì wú nányì, gōng wéi zì jìn, bùkě liè děng, bùkě jí jiù, àn bù jiù xù, xún cì jiànjìn, néng yǒugōng, fū érhòu bǎi hái jīn jié, zì xiāng guàntōng, shàngxià biǎo lǐ, bù nán liánluò, shùhū sàn zhě tǒng zhī, […]

Grandmaster Tse’s Tàijí Fist 250

The Theories of Chén Cháng Xìng 陳長興 – Part 12 If we practise regularly, within three years we can reach a good standard. In six years, we can develop a very strong internal energy and this is internal Qì 氣. The Qì will give us power and make the body light. When the internal Yin […]

Grrandmaster Tse’s Tàijí Fist 249

The Theories of Chén Cháng Xìng 陳長興 – Part 11 “若火機之內攻,發之而不及掩耳。不暇思索,不煩擬議,誠不期然而己然。蓋勁以積日而有益,工以久練而後成,觀聖門一貫之學,必俟多聞強識,格物致知” “Ruò huǒ jī zhī nèi gōng, fā zhī ér bùjí yǎn ěr. Bùxiá sīsuǒ, bù fán nǐyì, chéng bù qī rán’ér jǐ rán. Gài jìn yǐ jī rì ér yǒuyì, gōng yǐjiǔ liàn érhòu chéng, guān shèng mén yīguàn zhī xué, bì qí duōwén […]

Grandmaster Tse’ s Tàijí Fist 248

The Theories of Chén Cháng Xìng 陳長興 – Part 10 Tàijíquán 太極拳 is one, the every part of body works together with the same goal and this is powerful. When we attack, the strike will be very powerful because every part of the body is supporting the strike allowing us to use all of our […]

Grandmaster Tse’s Tàijí Fist 247

The Theories of Chén Cháng Xìng 陳長興 – Part 9 Moving like water which cannot be stopped is a very beautiful explanation of Tàijíquán 太極拳. If someone attacks us by pulling, pushing or doing something that tries to stop us, the rest of the body will take the force and divert it elsewhere, even better, […]

Grandmaster Tse’s Tàijí Fist 246

The Theories of Chén Cháng Xìng 陳長興 – Part 8 而要非勉強以致之,襲焉而為之也。當時而動,如龍如虎,出乎而爾,急如電閃。當時而靜,寂然湛然,居其所而穩如山岳。且靜無不靜,表裡上下全無參差牽掛之意,動無不動,前後左右均無遊疑抽扯之形,洵乎若水之就下,沛然莫能御之也。 Ér yào fēi miǎnqiáng yǐzhì zhī, xí yān ér wéi zhī yě. Dāngshí ér dòng, rú lóng rúhǔ, chū hū ér ěr, jí rú diàn shǎn. Dāngshí ér jìng, jìrán zhàn rán, jū qí suǒ ér wěn rú shānyuè. Qiě jìng wú bù jìng, […]

Grandmaster Tse’s Tàijí Fist 245

The Theories of Chén Cháng Xìng 陳長興 – Part 7 In Tàijíquán太極拳, everything is connected, from inside to outside, from the top to the bottom and the bottom to the top, and from the waist to every part of the body. One moves every part moves all as one unit. One stops everything part of […]

Grandmaster Tse’s Tàijí Fist 244

The Theories of Chén Cháng Xìng 陳長興 – Part 6 破之而不開,撞之而不散,上欲動而下自隨之,下欲動而上自領之,上下動而中部應之,中部動而上下和之,內外相連,前後相需,所謂一以貫之者,其斯之謂歟! Pò zhī ér bù kāi, zhuàng zhī ér bú sàn, shàng yù dòng ér xià zì suí zhī, xià yù dòng ér shàng zì lǐng zhī, shàngxià dòng ér zhōngbù yīng zhī, zhōngbù dòng ér shàngxià hé zhī, nèiwài xiānglián, qiánhòu xiāng xū, suǒwèi […]

Grandmaster Tse’s Tàijí Fist 243

The Theories of Chén Cháng Xìng 陳長興 Part 5 Tàijí太極  means one, so the whole body is one. When we practise Tàijíquán太極拳, we must move with the whole body, from the top of the head to the soles of the feet, the arms and legs, and the front and back of the body. We must […]