Grandmaster Tse’s Tàijí Fist 153

Pào Chuí 砲捶 – Part 1 When we start learning Chén Style Tàijíquán 陈式太极拳, we normally begin by learning Lǎojià Yīlù 老架 —路 – Old Frame First Form. This form is what the Yáng Style Tàijíquán 楊式太極拳,…

Grandmaster Tse’s Tàijí Fist 144

Wáng Zōng Yuè’s Tàijíquán Poem王宗岳太極拳論 Part 7 Wáng Zōng Yuè’s Tàijíquán Poem 王宗岳太極拳論 says, “一羽不能加,蠅蟲不能落, The energy in the body we should be balanced – with not even…

Grandmaster Tse’s Tàijí Fist 136

Dì Gōng 地功 Part 2 Dì Gōng 地功 is a Chén Shì Tàijíquán 陈式太极拳 - Chén Style Tàijíquán term and I have only ever heard my Sīfu 師父, Chén Xiǎo Wàng 陳小旺, use it. When a person’s stance is strong we call…

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist 117

Shùn and Nì Chán Sī Jìn 順與逆纏絲勁 – Part 8 Stand in a medium horse stance, with the feet two shoulder widths apart, back straight and the hands resting in front of the Dāntián 丹田. Lift up the hands up, the palms should…

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #45

An Jing 按勁 An Jing 按勁 is the fourth Jing. An means pressing down, like we press a button on the remote control or in a lift. The action is pressing down and also forwards, but it all depends on the situation. In Tui Shou when we…