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Master Tse’s Taiji first #51

Level II of Tajiquan pt 1 After practising for six to nine months we should get better and reach Level II. This is “Two Yin and eight Yang, normal level 二陰八陽是散手”. If we really practise then our bodies will become a bit softer and become two Yin and eight Yang. This means 20% Yin and […]

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #50

Level I Taijiquan 太極拳 We all enjoy practising Taijiquan 太極拳. When I teach, I have never come across anyone who after three lessons which is 3 hours over 3 days, who does not enjoy it. A good teacher will lead you to a feeling and experience that you have never come across before. There are […]

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #49

Kau Jing 靠勁 The last Jing is Kau Jing靠勁. Kau 靠 means shoulder. Many people do not think about using the shoulders to attack an opponent, but it is actually a very powerful way of attacking if we use it properly. Using Kau Jing means you use your whole body to attack the opponent. When […]

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #48

Zhou Jing 肘勁 The third Jing is Zhou Jing肘勁. Zhou 肘 means elbow. Zhou Jing means elbow power but in the situation it means elbow attack. An elbow attack is very powerful and very damaging. If you hit any part of the opponent’s body with the elbow then it can be all over. So it […]

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #47

Lie Jing 裂勁 The second Jing, after Cai Jing 採勁, is Li Jing. Lie 裂means break. In Chen Taijiquan 陳家太極拳 it is common to use Cai Jing to control our opponent and then we can break them with the other hand using either the palm or the forearm. In Chen Taijiquan if we grab hold […]

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #46

Cai Jing 採勁 After Peng掤, Liu履, Ji擠, An按 the first four Jing we can now look at the second Jing. The second four Jing are more direct, physical and Yang, whereas the first four are gentler, controlling and Yin. The second four are Cai採, Lie裂, Zhou肘, Kau靠. The first is Cai Jing採勁. “Cai” means “Pick […]

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #45

An Jing 按勁 An Jing 按勁 is the fourth Jing. An means pressing down, like we press a button on the remote control or in a lift. The action is pressing down and also forwards, but it all depends on the situation. In Tui Shou when we are holding the opponent’s elbow and wrist with two hands our […]

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #44

 Ji Jing 擠勁 Ji Jing 擠勁 this is the third energy. Ji means squeeze together, like people in a bus or in the Tube during rush hour, when it is too crowded people squeeze in together. So Ji Jing is squeezing your opponent, to make them lose their balance by pushing them. Ji Jing is pushing with […]

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #43

Liu Jing 履勁 The second most important Jing is Liu Jing 履勁. In Taijiquan Liu means “Pulling Back”. In general the Chinese character Liu means “Conduct in a Job”, “Duty with Care” or “Sincere Attitude”.  So in Taijiquan the pulling back energy needs to be careful and correct when we do this. This means when we contact the opponents the energy is […]

Master Tse’s Taiji Fist #42

Peng Jing 掤勁 Of the Eight Jing 八勁, Peng Jing is number 1 and so it is the most important. If we can use it well then our Taijiquan has a good standard. Peng means expanding and Jing means power. The Eight Jing, ; Peng掤, Liu履, Ji擠, An按, Cai採, Lie裂, Zhou肘, Kau靠 are eight kind of energy or power and also applications. The first four […]